Eco Web Hosting Solutions
The what, when, why and how of it all.
Table of Contents
➥ What Is It Eco Web Hosting?
➥ Why Is It Important?
➥ Why Use Eco Web Hosting?
➥ The Benefits Of Eco Web Hosting
➥ Who Is Making The Change?
➥ The Value Of Eco Hosting
Eco Web Hosting is probably one of the last things we think about when referring to the negative impact we humans have on the environment. Most people would think of plastic pollution ravaging our shores and being ingested by sea life or overfishing our oceans with huge nets, kilometres long, scraping the sea bed of all life. Even the nets themselves that get left behind are having disastrous effects on all marine life and coral.
But there isn’t a huge deal we can do about these besides be more conscious of our single-use plastic consumption or eat less fish and sign a petition or two. However, there are some very easy things you can do to help reduce your own negative effect on the planet we all share, and thats what I will talk to you about today. Its called, Eco Web Hosting.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”. – Jane Goodall
What is Eco Web Hosting?
The evidence is indisputable. Global warming is happening, and mankind plays a prominent role in speeding up its effects. As a result, the polar ice caps are melting, the sea levels are rising, and more natural disasters are occurring. The list goes on and on. Because of this, individuals, communities and nations are taking steps to reduce their environmental footprint. Consumers are recycling. People are buying electric cars. Governments are enforcing stronger environmental regulations. But is it enough?
The scary truth is that while many people are making an effort to be more conscientious about their use of resources, there are some ways individuals unknowingly waste. One of these more hidden resource drainers is the server hosts that people connect to daily when they surf the internet, and that’s where Eco Web Hosting comes in.
Eco Web Hosting is simply having the data centres we use every time we access the internet run on renewable energy. But the problem is there are a lot of data centres around the world, so that’s a lot of energy needing to be replaced by renewable sources. But, like every big change, it starts with one small step, and at Orange Website, we are leading the way in Eco Web Hosting by running all our servers on renewable energy.
Why is Eco Web Hosting Important
There are now roughly 2,700+ data in the USA. All these servers comprise about 2% of United States electricity use, approximately the equivalent of five nuclear power plants. Annually, a single server, on its own, produces more carbon dioxide than a car. Over 10 years ago, globally, data centres were consuming the equivalent of 14 coal-fired one thousand megawatt power plants. And these numbers are only going up. By 2024, web hosting will be as polluting as the airline industry.
But it’s not just about energy use. Servers are abusing the environment in multiple ways. One lesser-known pollution area comes from the data centre’s fire suppression efforts. These companies understand that they need to keep client data safe, and having extensive precautions makes sense for a business that deals closely with high voltage. Unfortunately, the chemicals used harm the environment, depleting the ozone layer, mixing with rainwater runoff, and having a high global warming potential.
There’s also electronic waste that occurs. Not only do server technology and equipment have a finite lifespan, but to keep up with performance requirements and competitors, data centres must replace their equipment at least every five years, if not sooner. Unfortunately, most of this ‘junk’ goes into a landfill, sometimes through harmful offshore disposal. But worse still are the poisonous substances that much technological equipment contains. This can seep into groundwater and harm plants, animals and humans alike.
But the environmental harm gets even worse. Most data centres and servers require diesel fuel. As a result, it’s not uncommon for a single data centre to emit 150 thousand pounds of carbon dioxide from diesel fuel annually.
And then there’s the coolant and batteries. Coolant is required for computer room air conditioning and liquid cooling. Otherwise, the machines will overheat. Unfortunately, this coolant can be highly toxic—think chlorofluorocarbons and freon. Along with being toxic, they also have global warming potential by trapping heat within the atmosphere.
The enormous batteries that data centres have to keep around in case of power fluctuations are lead-acid. However, the adverse effects of these batteries shorten their lifespan, from the destructive mining required to produce them to the difficulty in disposing of them.
Shocking Web Hosting Statistics
Eco Web Hosting is the last thing people consider when considering green initiatives. We think about how they relate to the automotive, industrial, and commercial transportation industries. However, few of us may feel the impact of the constantly growing technology sector on our environment. In reality, web hosting is expected to produce as much pollution as the airline industry by 2025. The U.S. Department of Energy has compiled some eye-opening facts about energy use in the country. Here are just several of them.
The U.S. Government uses a great deal of energy for its data centres. The government projects that a complete 10% of the total energy used by the United States Government goes to powering data centres alone. Not to mention any other types of information technology.
If data centres used in the U.S. were just 20% more efficient, the country could save more than 20 billion kWh by 2025, translating to about $3 billion in cost savings. That significant number could translate to a severe environmental impact if we don’t take appropriate steps.
There are over 2,700 data centres in the USA alone. These centres do not only require energy to power the servers themselves but the entire facility where they are located. It is estimated that for every 1 kW of power saved in powering I.T. equipment, another 2 kW is saved in the data centre.
More than 89% of Americans have computers in their households, with 80% connected to the internet. This represents significant traffic and a vast consumer base conducting various e-commerce activities on the Internet. This activity consumes bandwidth and the need for increasing server space, including those of increasingly extensive video files. YouTube, for example.
Most data centres are located in small- to medium-sized brick-and-mortar businesses. These businesses house these servers anywhere from closet space to larger “cool rooms”. In most cases, these facilities are energy inefficient. The Department of Energy estimates that less than 10% of all server space is “in the cloud” in large, more efficient data centres.
These statistics demonstrate the amount and scope of energy used by servers and data centres today. Technology and web hosting have grown without much regard for their environmental impact. However, that is changing as server companies who offer eco web hosting solutions realise the benefits to their customers and the planet. At the same time, more individual businesses that have their websites hosted are searching for server solutions that can help improve their “green” image. Together, these forces are raising awareness of the significant impact eco web hosting can make.
Data Center Energy Use
We tend to forget that for every web page that is visited, email that is sent or online video that is viewed, energy is being consumed in a data centre somewhere. It may be in a small closet-style server room or a large facility, but for every digital action, there is an electrical reaction. But it is more than just the energy to power servers that use massive amounts of energy. It takes significant cooling and, air conditioning and power backup systems.
While some data centres have improved their energy efficiency, it is still estimated that 85% of data centres across the globe are using far more energy than is necessary. The challenge is many data centres are located in mild or temperate climates where air conditioning may be needed to cool them year-round. In addition, some web hosting companies have their customer base in just a few time zones. Servers operate and use energy 24/7, but they may not be heavily accessed for a full third of the day. Web hosting companies may also be powered by electricity produced using fossil fuels, which are anything but an “organic” way to operate.
Data tracking energy use from data centres was not even gathered in the United States until 2008. While indications were that energy use would flatten out due to the use of more efficient servers being deployed, the U.S. Government still estimates that 10% of all the energy it uses goes to powering data centres in the country. That is the equivalent of energy used in millions of homes.
Regarding energy consumption and pollution, data centres have been compared to the steel mills of the 1950s and 1960s. While they may not be responsible for vast amounts of air pollution, data centres are using an increasing amount of energy and contributing to the use of fossil fuels. The answer is more eco web hosting and organic web hosting solution providers.
The Benefits Of Eco Web Hosting
So how can this problem be solved? Unfortunately, we can’t stop using the internet, and companies must rely on data centres. The only available answer is Eco Web Hosting, or Green Hosting. Green hosting, also known as Eco web hosting, reduces the environmental impact of internet hosting by utilising green technologies. OrangeWebsite, an Iceland-based company that has been around for a decade, is doing just that.
Some of these green technologies we use at OrangeWebsite include energy-saving appliances, carbon offsetting, planting trees around the centre, and using renewable energy. So, while the average web server consumes 1,000 kWh of energy and 630 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year, we produce no carbon dioxide. This means that any business that utilises our services is reducing their and their customer’s environmental footprint.
This isn’t just a ‘good’ thing to do out of the kindness of a company’s heart. It is a wise business decision. Partnering with OrangeWebsite changes an organisation’s reputation. By adding green credentials to their name, a business can drastically alter how current and potential customers view them. Being environmentally conscious is an added benefit of shopping from them–one more reason to stay loyal or to move from a similar brand that isn’t quite as forward-thinking. Additionally, because only the initial setup cost is high for the host, rather than the regular operational expense of buying energy from the utility company, it doesn’t cost any more to use our services at OrangeWebsite.
With Eco Web Hosting, the power is provided by the planet, whether it is wind, solar, or hydro-powered, it is almost free, and those savings will be reflected back to you.
Guaranteed Uptime
Just like the power to your home, if it goes out as does your lights. However, with Eco Web Hosting, the power source is from the planet. So the power will always be on.
Who is making the change to Eco Web Hosting?
It’s not just companies switching their website hosting to green energy. Gaming communities such as Salty Zombies have partnered with us for not just using our Eco Web Hosting solutions for their website. But for all their dedicated gaming servers. These guys host and run some of the world’s most popular ARK PVE servers and the biggest community RUST Discord server.
Everything we do at OrangeWebsite is run on green energy–primarily geothermal and hydropower. Businesses that partner with us are provided with a green site seal so their customers can see that they are also committed to protecting the planet.
But OrangeWebsite goes further than just utilising the power of renewable energy. Most of our staff work from home to reduce office and commuter traffic energy waste. Additionally, we are working to reverse any impact we make by planting between 250 and 1,000 trees monthly. Contact us to find out how you can partner with OrangeWebsite to get excellent web hosting services and play your part in fighting global warming and environmental damage.
Millennials and Eco Web Hosting
As Millennials move through adulthood and into their late thirties, many are choosing an entrepreneurial path, most often including digital storefronts and marketing. Based on the above traits, Millennials will make decisions based on pricing, reviews, services, and technical and customer service. They often consider whether their web services provider utilises green, eco web hosting strategies.
There are two additional aspects to this. The first is that Millennials understand the organic value of eco web hosting. This is based on their core beliefs about the ecology and the environment. The second is that they know the value green hosting can have in their own marketing efforts and how it helps them appeal to their target market. By letting their own prospects and customers know they are using environmentally friendly strategies, it gives them a competitive advantage. This is true of almost any product or service, especially for those seeking to grab the attention of Millennials.

Eco Web Hosting for Small Business
It’s not just companies switching their website hosting to green energy. Gaming communities such as Salty Zombies have partnered with us for not just using our Eco Web Hosting solutions for their website. But for all their dedicated gaming servers. These guys host and run some of the world’s best 7 Days To Die Servers.

Why Host with an Eco Web Hosting Company?
In addition to its use of renewable energy resources, Iceland’s cooler climate dramatically reduces the need for air conditioning, one of the greatest ongoing expenses for web hosting solution companies. This not only significantly reduces energy use and minimises negative ecological impact, but it reduces costs as well. This is a savings Orange Website can pass down to our customers. This is already a powerful combination of ecological and economic benefits. However, there is still more to come when you host or co-locate with Orange Website.
Everything we do at OrangeWebsite is run on green energy–primarily geothermal and hydropower. Businesses that partner with us are provided with a green site seal so their customers can see they are also committed to protecting the planet.
But OrangeWebsite goes further than just utilising the power of renewable energy. Most of our staff work from home to reduce office and commuter traffic energy waste. Additionally, we are working to reverse any impact we make by planting between 250 and 1,000 trees monthly. Contact us to find out how you can partner with OrangeWebsite to get excellent web hosting services and play your part in fighting global warming and environmental damage.
The Marketing Value of Eco Web Hosting
Beyond the fact that eco web hosting conserves energy, is ecologically friendly, and is cost-effective. There is another significant reason to “go green.” When you host with an eco web hosting provider like Orange Website, you can proudly display the “Green Seal” on your website, letting the world know you are taking an environmentally friendly approach to your business. This seal draws like-minded people to your organisation and can improve market share and loyalty. Many business to business and business to consumer websites are seeing the value of displaying the Green Seal.
Going green regarding technology has plenty of benefits, especially in using eco web hosting. It is also the right thing to do. If your company has not considered these benefits, we encourage you to learn more about Our company was founded on the premise of providing eco-friendly solutions for web hosting.
These operations, including eco web hosting servers, operate on green energy. Our location in Iceland provides nearly unlimited natural energy resources. Hence, we have chosen geothermal and hydropower to run our services. Our Icelandic location also provides lower air conditioning costs and more efficient overall operations. It also happens to be that Iceland has been named the world’s safest location for web hosting.
OrangeWebsite also participates in the Canopy Project, replenishing rainforest trees that serve as the planet’s lungs. To keep our planet green and to help reverse the damage already done, we are planting 250-1000 new trees every month. We invite you to support us in our efforts.
Understanding the full impact of technology and data centres on our planet is an excellent way to move forward with eco-friendly hosting solutions. We encourage you to visit Orange to learn more and to join us in green technology and eco-friendly hosting solutions.